completely disagree. The bulk of the rage or distaste against onlyfans is not due to women having control over own commodification of sexuality or that men simultaneously feel like they have a connection with the model and feeling like just an analytic on someone's screen. The men raging against onlyfans are NOT the users. NO. the rage is due to the underlying cause beneath this symptom of onlyfans, that is the broken state of the modern man. The modern man has become fragile, hollow, purposeless and lonely, so broken that he agrees to pay to see some pixels on his screen that can make him feel less lonely, loved, wanted. Pornstars and onlyfans models exploit this exact broken state of men, the models earn money, while the men just sink deeper in their delusional state, become even more weak. This is what the rage is about. onlyfans' and pornhub's billions is a symptom of the epidemic of the broken men.

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Men have always been broken & hollow. Now women aren’t forced to be around them anymore tho- and they notice that.

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They've always been crazy. Women can just get their own bank accounts now, and they're reeling.

Btw, I think these men are mad at themselves because they cannot control their irrational impulses. What kind of idiot pays for pics or texts or whatever it is from somebody online who they'll never see? A rational, logical male?

They should be mad at themselves. But they would never admit that.

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Wow so true. They prob do resent their addiction to women.

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What kind of idiot pays for pics or texts or whatever it is from somebody online who they'll never see?

Obviously they pay on substack. For a different kind of desire to be fulfilled.

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If you think paying for articles about news, history, educational topics, etc. is the same thing or even comparable to paying for pictures from women who sell pornography online because these men think they actually have a chance with them in real life or something, then thank you for proving my point about male irrationality, stupidity, and lack of shame.

Men shouldn't be allowed to vote.

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OK, mine was deliberately provocative, but maybe still worth a rational reply. Yours just shows me that substack is becoming a toxic place, too.

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I gave you a rational reply. Articles on worthy, educational topics have no connection to pornography. The fact that you think that it does shows that males lack self-awareness and cannot think logically when it comes to their own stupid behavior.

This is the origin of literally every problem on the planet.

Truth isn't toxic. Learn how to argue or just go play video games.

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If that’s how you see men you should take a look in the mirror.

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Dec 12
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You know, I read comments like this and feel bad for your mother.

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Jan 12
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Great comeback.

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"The platform has eliminated the middleman."

Oh? Who's getting the $1.3 billion dollars difference between the previously cited $6.6B "user spending" and $5.3B "paid to creators" figures?

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true, it was founded by Timothy Stokely and is now owned by billionaire Leonid Radvinsky https://www.forbes.com/profile/leonid-radvinsky/ it’s parent company is Fenix International Ltd

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nondual already touched on this above, but I believe much of feminist academic literature has focused so much on male ego and it’s consequences that it fails to realise the profound shift we are experiencing as a society. Mainly, the female ego becoming the dominant influence on the ordering of our social structures. When women are given the platform of power, held predominantly by men, many of the same abuses of this power manifest and create substantial inequality of outcomes. You need only look to the prominent industries in America (media, politics, academia) to see how the influx of women into positions of power is replicating much of the gender bias thought previously only to be something done by men. The difference is, rather than these inequalities being addressed by a feminised social order, they are held up as a successful takedown of the nebulous ‘patriarchy’. Male desire, rather than being valuable in itself, is seen as just one more obstacle to female liberation that must be torn down and suppressed. When discontent is prefigured as evidence of an internalised misogyny, men are left no real path to expression that isn’t seen as a threat to feminine identity. True, OnlyFans is a technological salve over the wounded male ego, but a healthy ego shouldn’t be something only one side of the sex equation can enjoy.

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I’m not entirely sure where this would sit on a relevancy scale to your take, but I’ve heard someone talk about something similar (in my opinion), but instead how people interpret women’s negative responses to experiencing misogyny on a systemic and interpersonal level as misandry.

Regardless, your perspective is interesting and something to be considered as well, definitely made me rethink my own.

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His perspective is irrational.

He thinks because he can't get laid, women are just as bad as man because a woman saying NO is worse than the Taliban.

That is male thinking distilled into its purest form. That is why they start WWIII and feel no shame.

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Thanks August, I’m glad you added this perspective because it is very relevant. My question would be, How can we tell the difference between petty misogyny/misandry and general rudeness? Since we don’t have access to people’s minds in any direct sense, we can’t. Unless someone’s explanation for mistreatment is “because you are a man/woman”, we can only assume based off instinct and observation that the person is discriminating against them.

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True, we can’t always outright see someone’s intentions behind every action, and I understand the danger of labelling, people having this tendency to push everything under a category making it easier to dismiss or even villainise, but I think that’s why conversations like these are needed, because at the end of the day people do operate with intent, and not everyone always has everyone else’s best interest at heart, so it’s, unfortunately, dangerous to always assume the best of people. Even with ‘man-hating’, i agree the extent it’s gone to is insane with what I’ve seen on certain platforms, but it would be silly not to consider possibilities that could’ve prompted this kind of behaviour, it would be silly to dismiss the possibility that this wave of resentment towards men could be a negative reaction to what women have collectively and individually experienced. The best we can do, really, is conduct studies from unbiased perspectives and remove ourselves from our research. Again, why these kind of conversations are so important.

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You make a good point about ‘not throwing out the baby with the bath water’ when it comes to recognising discrimination against men while also acknowledging that women really do experience sexism at collective and individual levels, and this shouldn’t be forgotten or ignored.

The solution for this shouldn’t be to replace those issues by inversion though.

If all men are seen as the problem, a class of people is created that are guilty only by nature of existing.

I agree that it would be naive to assume that others always want what is in our best interests, but wouldn’t it be equally as erroneous to assume the opposite?

I am always incredibly suspicious of assigning individuals the responsibilities of a group they belong to only by virtue of a superficial classification i.e. race, gender, class. That isn’t to say that there aren’t some inherent truths related to those classifications, but when we try to lay the actions of a few at the feet of the many we risk maiming the very justice that we are seeking to carry out. Is a man or woman not responsible for their actions and theirs alone?

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I never meant to imply that resentment towards men is right even if it’s the case that women happen to be retaliating, or that it should even be tolerated. I just acknowledged possibility that if we look at why many women act or respond the way they do (not to say that it’s the only rout to go), it could lead us to underlying issues and, and that hopefully to the root cause, which we could then attack as a society, and not to say that we’ll find all men instinctively/inherently treat women badly, but instead possibly systems set in place that leave misogyny unpunished and unchecked, which, of course, not all men inflict on women, but all women are subject to on various levels.

This is obviously one side of the coin and both men and women face adversities in society, neither of which should be neglected. Unfortunately, though, it is true we can see an obvious difference in the way men’s problems are addressed or spoken of vs women’s. Women’s struggles gain more social attention than do men’s, I still don’t think that takes away from either side. I mean we still have the opportunity to bring light to those very serious issues.

Besides everything though, your response was fire and I honestly agree with most of what you said, if not all of it really.

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Women's struggles are more important because ours are real.

Men not being able to get laid and paying randoms on the internet for naked pictures is not a real struggle.

You both needs jobs. Men were meant for work, not acting stupid online.

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And obviously, some behaviour cannot be justified, so excluding those. Many times you can spot plain misandry and misogyny.

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One exists, one doesn't.

Go talk to the Taliban about your amazing ideas.

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There was really no need to be so condescending. We might have different views but there are kinder and more effective ways to get your point across regardless.

Since you’ve already set the atmosphere I don’t think it’s inappropriate to say you have such a limited view of the world but preach sis, I really hope no one sees the need to reply to your extremely small minded and ignorant comments

I’m not interested in having a conversation with someone who’s unable to contribute to a discussion without recognising the importance in considering multiple perspectives and isn’t open to the possibility that they might be wrong, on top of an entitled attitude. Stubbornness isn’t a trait I would put past you.

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Go have a conversation with the Taliban.

I bet if you asked those moids, they would say they’re the real victims and misandry is out of control.

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There's no such thing as misandry.

Women don't pass laws to force men into their homes because school bans them (they're bad enough at school alone) or force 11 year old boys to marry 50 year old women.

You don't have a clear enough understanding of world history, legal history, or religious history to speak on this.

You think because women have gotten the right to their own bank account only recently, that has any parallelism to what men have done for centuries. And that includes getting turned down because men are unfuckable losers who fund things like OnlyFans with their lack of impulse control.

Thanks for proving my point.

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LOL "When women are given the platform of power, held predominantly by men, many of the same abuses of this power manifest and create substantial inequality of outcomes."

Oh yeah, that's why Finland and Iceland become literally like Afghanistan or China, boys are married off at 11 to abusive 50 year old women, male fetuses are mass aborted, and everything goes to shit.

Males literally lack the ability to see their stupid behavior and feel shame at it.

A woman saying NO to them is the exact same thing as a male starting WWIII and raping children.

Thank you for proving my point. You have no ability to see and function in the real world, and that is why males destroy everything they touch.

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Dec 10
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This kind of condescending dismissal is exactly the point I am trying to make. Instead of my opinion being valued as part of a conversation, adding my thoughts because I want to respectfully engage with the authors writing after enjoying their article, you reduce it to an attack on women. If you are reading my comments in the voice of some sort of pompous blowhard, I think that says a great deal more about your feelings towards men than it does mine about women.

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I think the saddest thing is that BOTH genders seem to be missing out on genuine connection. Not just men.

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Women aren't the ones paying billions for pics on the internet. Men are the ones who are 78% of Tinder.

Don't try to "both sides" this.

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Sadly, it is both genders, since there is a balanced sex ratio and the vast majority of the population comprises heterosexual, monogamous individuals. Thus, for every man who consumes OnlyFans, there is a woman who cannot be partnered with him and will have to remain single, regardless of her personal desires, or marry someone unfit, with all the consequences that entails.

This analysis is simplified and leaves out important variables, but demonstrates that Drew’s stated conclusions are neither difficult nor unreasonable to reach.

Women don’t pay for pictures or use Tinder as much as men because of psychosexual dimorphism. Instead, they pose suggestively on social media and read romance novels, to the point these are a billion-dollar industry.

We need and desire each other, even against our own will.

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Women don’t go on shooting sprees because they can’t get laid, and then insist that they’re super logical and not emotional.

That’s men. They’re the problem. That’s the difference.

Go talk to the Taliban about your ideas.

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Romance novels are a multi billion dollar industry. This isn’t a man vs woman thing. It’s human nature. People like to fantasize. They just do it in different ways 🤷🏻‍♂️

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Women read books.

Men watch hours of violent pornography, troon out, shoot up kindergartens, and then insist that they’re super-logical and not emotional.

It’s a man vs woman thing because it always is, and that is what males had no problem saying for thousands of years and still do. Go tell the Taliban about your amazing ideas.

Run along.

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so eloquently written and introspective.

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I absolutely loved this. How only fans has made hope a perpetual commodity. I will be quoting this article from time to time

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Very well written, however, I think the rage lies more on the income inequality factor rather than wanting to control women. Just as I am enraged at seeing a CEO take home millions of dollars yearly, I am also enraged looking at top OF models make more in a week than most Americans would in a year(an OF model is probably much more hardworking than a CEO). I also think it’s not just men who are angry at this, it’s other women as well. You have to be a certain type of conventionally attractive woman to be successful doing OF and this unfairness is what makes people enraged as well. Most working women can’t just quit their job one day and start posting nudes online as they know that they probably wouldn’t be anywhere near as successful. There is an inherent unfairness in the OF industry which is what makes people angry.

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Is this phenomenon truly unfair? The capital is allocated to, understandably, the most conventionally attractive. How else should it be?

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Well that’s what’s unfair about it isn’t it? If you’re born conventionally attractive then you have an advantage in the industry over other girls who might not be as attractive.

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Amazing article which I’ll come back to from time to time. Loved the perspective you brought, thank you for opening another window on this social construct.

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Really well written! Shocked reading some of these very aggressive comments. Nevertheless, you make a strong case whether it's subjecively true or not is for everyone to decide. I do find the dynamic you depict between males needing to prove worth and females born worthy very interesting. Very black and white ofcourse, but still some food for thought. When looking around at close (girl)friends, I wouldn't necessarily say that they see themselves as automatically worthy.

While writing this comment, I came up with something. Maybe females are seen as intrinsically valuable by the males who see themselves as worthless before they have proved themselves. Perpahs also very black/white thinking, but it's interesting perhaps.

Anyway, loved reading it! Very well structured and I love your writing voice.

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Absolute banger

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I’m a s worker & this is a great article. Men r very mad they can’t sell the same thing. Not sure why. I don’t get mad I can’t sell my physical labor of lifting heavy things at a job that requires that for example like they can.

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The psychology behind it is the key. Because being able to sell sex is a sign of being desirable, while not being able to do so makes people feel undesirable. The entire business model of the sex industry is basically a function of men wanting to feel desired so badly they will pay for it, even if it's merely simulated to a degree. That's literally what this article was about. I don't think an average woman has any psychological issues with not being able to sell her ability to lift heavy objects as well as a man.

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Exactly. So why r they being sore losers?

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I have no idea why you wrote that. Do you understand what I wrote and agree, or do you not understand what I wrote by continuing to ask questions that have already been answered?

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You’re giving man vibes. No good ones

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Ok, don't engage in bad faith, and then when someone gets annoyed, defer to their "man vibes." Like come on, seriously.

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im sorry this whole interaction is so hilarious to me

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It’s funny bc desirability discourse is pretty universally accepted and cut and dry when it’s the male/female parameter but as soon as you get on the female side of the desirability equation then suddenly it becomes this extremely contentious rubric of desirability where size, weight, looks, race and other superficial criteria become some sort of weird moral metric. Be interesting to see what the high earners look like from a objective / physical standpoint.

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Because one is hard work for little money and one is no work for a lot of money?

Quite strange and autistic to say there is an equivalence there

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While you make some good points, most of this article is overconfident bullshit.

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Probably more constructive to say what specifically you consider bullshit and offer it as feedback with the intent to help

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I don’t have time, nor do I care enough, to write a thousand word response. It’s conjecture and generalization wrapped in fact-free rhetoric. I don’t think the average OnlyFans subscriber paying $7.99 a month for nudie photos is delusional enough to believe he’s the creator’s chosen one any more than the average Substack reader is about being an author’s muse. Just hang out in the OnlyFans creator subreddits and you’ll discover that the simps who shell out for customs and PPV content, the focus of this piece, are a tiny, tiny minority. The rules of supply and demand haven’t been turned inside out, which is why most creators earn peanuts: what they’re offering is a commodity and supply far exceeds demand. OnlyFans has ZERO discoverability by design so if you’re no good at marketing yourself on other FREE social media—building an audience there only to have your account deleted for violating guidelines—no one’s ever going to find you, let alone pay you.

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I buy your argument about the average vs extreme consumer here, good pt

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How can you not be concerned for the men in your lives? They are after a man’s dignity and self respect. Your son is next.

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No woman cares about any man. Just accept it

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You are oblivious to the danger and suffering. They’re coming for your son next.

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Men are in the scheme. They are only pretending to believe the onlyfans provider is choosing them. The inauthentic relationship is known, felt, and not satisfying as the real thing. Men are not losing power in the world because onlyfans does not compare to a person giving you physical affection. It doesn’t make physical spaces irrelevant.

Women have definitely gained leverage with onlyfans, but only monetarily.

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too bad these ladies only have t minus 1.5 years to get that bag before OnlyGANs goes live and blows these real women out of the water with perfect AI gfs

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